Facilitating Change
Lawlor FocusNo question, numerous changes have occurred for all colleges and universities over the past decades, but in many ways the process for dealing…

Powering Your Persuasiveness
Lawlor FocusThere are edupreneurial people working in higher education who, even during trying times for so many colleges and universities on multiple fronts,…

Envisioning the Viable Potential
Lawlor FocusAs we noted last August in our Lawlor Focus, “It’s August and the beginning of another year of uncertainty—but for many, simply turbulent…

Higher Ed Focusing Today
Lawlor FocusLast month in our May e-newsletter, we highlighted the need for college and university communities to be entrepreneurial — or as we stipulated…

Lawlor FocusThe month of May has always been a memorable moment in time. Several sources note that the month of May is “likely named after Maia, the goddess…

Durable Evidence
Lawlor FocusWe mentioned three years ago in our April Focus that “April showers will bring May flowers.” Unfortunately, today most of higher education…

Positive Persistence
Lawlor FocusA year ago when we published the March issue of Lawlor Focus, we headlined it with a phrase that’s often used this time of year: It is the…

Dislodging the Intractable
Lawlor FocusTis the season again … and no doubt, one full of reflection. In many ways, December 2022 is another round of thinking back about the past three…

Sustaining Resilience
Lawlor FocusThe NACAC Conference 2022 begins this week, and the theme is Resilience. It is definitely a relevant theme today for the people working in student…

Turbulent Times
Lawlor FocusIt’s August and the beginning of another year of uncertainty — but for many, simply turbulent times.
Christopher Connell, independent…

Feeling the Heat of Uncertainty
Lawlor FocusWe are in such interesting times. For so many people and especially those working in higher education—along with families and individuals considering…

Worth Repeating
Lawlor FocusNo question, these are interesting times for all of higher education—and for most individuals, personally and professionally. And while several…